The Policy Manual of the Menifee Police Department represents the policies and procedures established to guide the operations of this organization.
In order to manage the Police Department, and in consideration of the ever-changing nature of law enforcement, the Chief of Police may authorize exceptions or variances to specific policies where such action does not conflict with legal precedent or mandates.
Please note that due to periodic amendments to a variety of laws (Government Code, CA Penal Code, Business and Professions Code, CA Vehicle Code, etc.) as well as workplace practices the policy manual is subsequently updated throughout the year as is necessary and/or required by statute.
California Government Code §7071(b) requires that law enforcement agencies submit a proposed Military Equipment Use Policy to their governing body for approval.
California Government Code §7071(c) provides a list of equipment types that are considered to be “military equipment” for purposes of this policy requirement, and this Military Equipment Use Policy includes information for any such equipment types that are possessed by the Menifee Police Department, or reasonably likely to be deployed in Menifee by other law enforcement partners.
2025 Military Equipment Use Community Meeting
Thursday, March 27th at 5:00 PM
at the Menifee Police Department
29714 Haun Road
Menifee, CA 92586