Q: What does the Code Enforcement Department do?
A:Â The Code Enforcement Department is responsible for enforcing City of Menifee ordinances as well as various state and federal laws. Code Enforcements activities contribute to safe, healthy, sustainable communities and preservation of water quality and natural resources. The Department seeks to strike a balance between enforcement and compliance by engaging in a community oriented approach toward achieving voluntary compliance. Code Enforcement staff use administrative, civil and criminal remedies to address and resolve code violations.
Q: How long will it take for the Code Enforcement officer to respond to my complaint?
A:Â Code Enforcement staff respond and prioritize complaints based on issues dealing with the health and safety of the community. Those issues that pose an imminent threat are responded to within 24 hours. All other newly received complaints that are not considered an imminent threat have 30 days to be investigated.
Q: If I file a complaint, will my information remain anonymous?
A:Â Yes. Although your name, address, and phone number are required in order to process a complaint, your personal information will not be released to the public, unless court-ordered by subpoena, under state law.
Q: Where and how can I file a complaint?
A:Â Complaints can be filed in person at The Menifee Police Department (29714 Haun Road), over the telephone (951-246-6214), by mail, online at the City of Menifee website (cityofmenifee.us), and through the City of Menifee mobile app.
Q: Do I need a permit for a yard/estate/garage sale?
A: Yes. A permit is required for a yard sale only after the 4th yard/estate/garage sale conducted at the same residential location. Code: 09.06.030
Q: Can I park my large vehicle, trailer, or motorhome on my driveway?
A: Yes. Large vehicles, recreational vehicles, and motorhomes are allowed to park in driveways so long as they are not impeding the right of way and connected to any utilities. Large vehicles, recreational vehicles, and motorhomes are allowed to be parked on the street for a period of not more than 48 hours twice a month directly in front of the residence for the purpose of loading, unloading, or cleaning of said vehicle. Unattached trailers of any kind are not allowed to be parked on the street or the driveway at any time. Code: 12.20.150-60
Q: How long can a vehicle be parked on the street?
A: Vehicles are allowed to be parked on the street for a period of not more than 72 consecutive hours. After the vehicle has reached the 72 hour allowed parking time, said vehicle must be moved to another location at least 500 feet away from the previously parked location. Code: 12.20.030
Q: How long can abandoned, wrecked, dismantled, or inoperable vehicles be parked on the street?
A: It is unlawful and an infraction for any person to abandon, store, leave, any licensed or unlicensed vehicle that is abandoned, wrecked, dismantled, or inoperative upon any private property or public property within the city for a period in excess of 72 or more consecutive hours unless the vehicle is completely enclosed within a building and is not visible from the street or other public or private property. Code: 12.01.150
Q: Where can I park my vehicle for sale?
A: Vehicles for sale can be displayed ONLY on private property. They are not allowed to be placed in public areas, public right of ways, and or city streets. Code: 12.20.120
Q: Does Code Enforcement handle building code violations/illegal construction cases?
A:Â Yes. The Code Enforcement Department works with the Building & Safety Department to ensure construction projects are properly permitted and that all the proper building codes are being followed or up to date. If you suspect something was illegally built without the proper permits or not in accordance with the building code, please contact the Code Enforcement Department to file a complaint.
Q: How long do I have to license and vaccinate my dog?
A: The City of Menifee requires that all dogs four months of age or older be licensed and vaccinated against rabies within 30 days of ownership. Code: 10.04.020
Q: Does my pet have to be microchipped?
A: Yes. All dogs and cats over the age of four months must be implanted with an identifying microchip. The owner or custodian is required to provide the microchip number to animal services, and shall notify animal services of any change of ownership of the dog or cat. Code: 10.04.140
Q: Is it required to Spay/Neuter my dog or cat?
A: Yes. No person shall own, keep, or harbor an unaltered and un-spayed dog or cat. An owner or custodian of an unaltered dog or cat must have the pet spayed or neutered. Exceptions to this rule are acceptable only if the owner or custodian can provide a certificate of sterility, proof of potential bodily harm or death to the pet, or obtain a breeder’s license. Code: 10.04.130